CFM is the only standardized way to compare ceiling fans since it is tested in a laboratory setting. The advertised CFM is usually just for the high speed setting. The most powerful ceiling fans for retail or residential spaces are typically around 6,000-CFM to 10,000-CFM. If you are comparing between two ceiling fans, and you want the highest airflow, then pick the fan with the greater CFM rating. CFM RatingĬFM stands for cubic feet per minute and it is a measurement of how much air the fan can move in 60-seconds. How To Pick Ceiling Fans That Move The Most Air? 1.
Blade Pitch: If the fan blades are pitched at a steeper angle, it will push more air.Powerful Motor: All things being equal, if the motor is more powerful, it will reach a greater CFM.Longer Fan Blades: The longer the fan blades, the more air it can push.Higher Number of Blades: The more blades equals more airflow.These ceiling fans will have at least one design aspect that is different than a traditional lower CFM ceiling fan. High CFM ceiling fans usually have a larger diameter (but not always), and they are designed differently to push more air. How Do The Most Powerful Ceiling Fans Work?